Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Preparing for College

Move in day is soon! No matter what college you're going to, you're probably living in the dorms. It's your first time out of the house, and you don't really know what you need to live by yourself, probably with no easy way to get your mom to bring you something you forgot.

Lucky for me, I was able to attend a private university close to home. Which meant several runs back home to get the things I forgot. This is a list I've compiled over the last year including the things I wish I'd brought and the things I'm glad I did.

A first aid kit. This has been a huge need for me. The first week of classes, I cut myself badly while shaving. A few weeks ago, I was sick and had to have my parents bring me medicine. A good first aid kit should have medicines and supplies alike. Here's what I will be putting in mine:
  • Hydrocortisone for stubborn zits
  • Bandaids of all sizes
  • Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, bandaids, and gauze for wounds
  • Claritin and benadryl for allergies
  • Advil and tylenol for aches and fevers
  • Medicine for stomachaches
  • And lots and lots of tissues
These are all things I have needed at one time or another throughout the semester. You never know what you may need, so be prepared.

A vacuum. The floors often become quite gross after all of your friends coming in and out, all of the food you eat, and all of the powdered makeup that gets spilled on the floor. You will want a vacuum, along with other various cleaning supplies such as windex, paper towels, and clorox. 

A few lamps. If your room faces the sun at some point, light will stream in beautifully. But those fluorescent lights aren't your friend when it comes to night. Get a few lamps to give your room a cozy feeling. I'd say at least a desk lamp and a bed lamp, and maybe even a floor lamp.

Extra towels and washcloths. I came with a towel for showering and a few cheap washcloths. I would suggest bringing another towel for if you go swimming or if you shower twice in a day. Also, washcloths are great for washing your face, your dishes, or your countertop.

A swimsuit and tennis shoes. At my college, we're require to take P.E. and work out multiple times a week. Therefore, a swimsuit and some good tennis shoes are musts when it comes to my college. Most universities have their own gyms that you have membership to if you are a student, so why not take advantage of it?

Rainboots and an umbrella. You wouldn't believe how many people I know forgot these! You don't even need anything fancy. I got my rainboots for $8 at Walmart. As long as they keep the water out on your way to class, you're golden.

A foam mattress pad and mattress suspenders. Don't know what I'm talking about when I say mattress suspenders? If you aren't a reckless sleeper (yes, reckless) like me, don't worry about it. But if you roll, you may need those clips to keep your sheets from popping off your mattress. If you can't get a foam mattress pad, stick a sleeping bag under your fitted sheet. It works just as well!

A shower caddy. When the shower is down the hall, it's nice not to have to juggle your shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, brush, towel, and washcloth. 

Some luxuries that aren't necessary, but nice

Office supplies. If your roommate is cool with your using hers all the time, then no worries. But it is nice to have your own so you don't have to wake her up at 6 am when you need staples. A stapler, highlighters, hole punch, scissors, tape, pens, and pencils are all lifesavers. 

Iron and ironing board. I got away without one last year, but if you will be doing a lot of presentations, you may need an iron. You don't even necessarily need an ironing board. Some sites sell ironing pads you can lie on your desk, or you can even stick a towel on your bed.

A scrubber for dishes. You can use a washcloth, but some of those food bits are just too difficult to get out without something harder.

A printer. Chances are there will be at least one girl in your hall who has a printer, but it's nice to have your own. 

A good stain remover. I was pretty good about not getting anything on my clothes that wouldn't come out with detergent, but if you're a spill-prone person, you may want a Tide To Go pen or something similar.

Don't buy until you see your room:

Storage. You don't truly know how much space you have until you get there. Once you've seen your room and how much stuff you have, buy plastic bins or boxes from Walmart and bring them back.

Bed risers. I was so determined on getting these. When I got there, I found that my bed was already so high I almost couldn't get on it until I adjusted to it. If I'd had bed risers I would've needed a ladder!

Food. This is just a pain to transport. Besides, you won't know how much space you have in that mini fridge until you see it for yourself. That quart of yogurt may not fit in there.


All of your clothes. If possible, bring seasonal clothes, with a few shirts for those strange days that don't match the season. Try to keep your wardrobe versatile so that you have one shirt that goes with five pairs of pants and three skirts, and vice versa.

All of your books. I love reading. I really do. But in college, you don't have a whole lot of time for pleasure reading. There's always reading to be done for some class that you've forgotten about. Save some space and leave your beloved treasures at home.

Bulk items. Those fifty rolls of paper towels? Leave it. The five packages of printer paper? Nope. Your package of ten bars of soap? Nah. My roommate and I went through three rolls of paper towels throughout the entire two semesters. I went through a package and a half of printer paper. I think I only got through three bars of soap. If you're living far from home, that may be a different story. But only buy bulk of things you use a lot, e.g. granola bars, tampons, razors, etc.

I hope all you girls are ready for the school year! I'll be posting more as I get reorganized, hopefully.

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